
Hello and welcome to my blog. This is my first blog, and this is my first post.

On this blog I will post about how I try to be a natural and green woman.

This is the introduction to my blog and here are some of the aspects of my life that will or could be discussed:

I am vegetarian (or mostly vegan)

      - gluten free
      - religious and have a routine of prayers and rituals (daily, monthly and yearly)
      - a mother's help and look after children
      - sleep early and get up early
      - do not use shampoo or toothpaste
      - believe in the unschooling method and do not agree with the modern education and child rearing 'systems'
      - make my own clothes
      - use green methods when it comes to feminine hygiene
and generally try to be as healthy and mindful as possible.

There are other ways too, in which I try to live naturally and spiritually, and I will be blogging about my ways, my experiences and I hope I will learn more from others posting on the blog too.

You can read all my posts by clicking on a post title on the right-hand side of the blog page under the Month titles OR you can find all the posts organized in sections such as "Green body hygiene" or "spiritual life" on the different pages of the blog. So whatever is easiest for you. When I read other people's blogs, I find it easier to look on the different pages to find a post I'm interested in.

I hope you enjoy this blog and please leave any feedback or tips of your own so we can all share and learn from each other as much as we can.

Thanks for being here!
Peace be with you!

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